Hemlock (Tsuga)

Hemlock Genus Details

Hemlocks are tall, graceful trees with a cone shape. Hemlock bark is furrowed and dark red. The flowers are monoecious (meaning the male and female flowers are on the same tree). The male flowers are small and yellow, and the female flowers are light green and located at the tips of the branches.The needles of hemlock trees are dark green, linear and reach 1/2" long. The trees are evergreen and the seeds are in cones. The eastern hemlock is Pennsylvania's state tree.
Hemlock Allergy Info

This genus is not typically considered to be of marked allergenic significance to most people.
Hemlock Pollen Description

The grains of Tsuga are large and have a thick intine. The grains are inaperturate, often disc-shaped or folded. The grains are either nonwinged (most members of the Pinaceae family have "wings" or sacci) or with a rudimentary bladder (sacci).
Pollen grains of Tsuga are large, between 50 and 80 micrometers.
Species in This Genus

Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen |
Moderate Allergen |
Severe Allergen |
Allergy Test Available

Hemlock (Tsuga) is a genus of the PINACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: